• Book Review: Dungeons and Drama

    Book Review: Dungeons and Drama

    I borrowed Dungeons and Drama by Kristy Boyce as an audiobook from Libby on a whim. I knew it was a YA romance but y’all, this book BLEW ME AWAY!!! It absolutely deserves more hype so please trust me when I say, this was an instant five stars and I love it with my entire…

  • Book Review: Bride

    Book Review: Bride

    Bride by Ali Hazelwood was written for the ✨twilight girlies✨ and you cannot convince me otherwise 💘

  • Book Review: Chain-Gang All-Stars

    Book Review: Chain-Gang All-Stars

    The first book I borrowed from the library this year was Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah. I finished it in early January and am still thinking about it. This book is a brutal, heartbreaking emotional rollercoaster, and one that I truly think everyone should read.

  • Book Review: Thornhedge

    Book Review: Thornhedge

    We’ve all heard stories about maidens locked away in towers, waiting to be saved, but who put them there? Has anyone ever thought that maybe they’re locked away for a reason?

  • Book Review: In The Weeds

    Book Review: In The Weeds

    Hi, yes, hello, I’m the latest member of the Cat Daddy Garden Himbo Fanclub ™️ I read In The Weeds by B.K. Borison last month and went absolutely FERAL 😻💐

  • Book Review: Fake Dates and Mooncakes

    Book Review: Fake Dates and Mooncakes

    What’s the last book you borrowed from the library? 🥮

  • Book Review: Camp Damascus

    Book Review: Camp Damascus

    Here we are with another edition of “Lizz is way too fucking excited about a book” but who can blame me, IT’S A CHUCK TINGLE HORROR NOVEL!!!! LET’S GOOOOO😈💖

  • Book Review: Even Though I Knew the End

    Book Review: Even Though I Knew the End

    What’s better than curling up on the couch after a long day with your best bud and a new book? I picked up Even Though I Knew the End by C.L. Polk from the library on a whim. I knew absolutely nothing about this novella going into it, but was immediately drawn to the cover.

  • Book Review: Fourth Wing

    Book Review: Fourth Wing

    Is there anything new that I can possibly say about Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros? It’s taken Bookstagram and BookTok by storm, and is currently sold out almost everywhere as people anxiously await the second print run.

  • Book Review: I Kissed Shara Wheeler

    Book Review: I Kissed Shara Wheeler

    Yes hello, here is another book that I am *screaming into the void* about because it was so good, I can’t possibly string together a coherent sentence about it. But let’s try because that’s the joy of reviewing books!

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